Your body is similar, but not the same as anyone else’s. Therefor the treatment you’ll receive from us will be tailored to your unique needs. Your physio will provide one on one care, just with you, for your entire appointment.
Here is a list of services that we offer along with a little insight into our treatment approach.
We provide the following services:
Musculoskeletal Treatment
Sports Injury Rehab
Concussion Care
Pre And Post-Natal Care
Pre And Post-Surgical Rehab
Dizziness & Balance / Vestibular Rehab
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
Hands On Techniques
Anatomical Acupuncture
Thoracic Ring ApproachTM
Persistent Pain Management
Workplace Injury Rehab
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Musculoskeletal Treatment
At Red Cedar Physiotherapy we have expertise in treating injuries and conditions that affect joints, muscles, nerves and other soft tissue.
Some common conditions include low back pain, pain with osteoarthritis, ligament sprains and overuse injuries (e.g. tennis elbow).First and foremost, we help to relieve pain. It is important to also provide you with self-help strategies, address strength and flexibility issues, improve balance and coordination and promote high quality or “freedom” of movement.
Sports Injury Rehab
Missing out on doing the sports you enjoy is hard enough. Trusting the advice you get about how much to back off and when it’s ok to push your body is something the team at Red Cedar Physiotherapy takes very seriously.
We will discuss the stage of recovery you’re at and the risk of re-injury when considering advice about continuing or returning to sport. We provide individualized exercises to develop the strength, mobility and reaction speed needed to feel confident and return to your sport.
Concussion Care
A concussion is a treatable brain injury. Though we don’t see physical damage from a concussion on standard medical imaging, we know that it does alter the way the brain functions.
At Red Cedar Physio we complete a thorough assessment to understand the root of where your particular concussion symptoms are coming from. We then focus treatment on these aspects.
Research shows the best thing you can do for your recovery is to get in for treatment with a concussion provider within the first week of your concussion to guide you with a gradual return to activity. If booking online for a recent concussion and you don’t see a space soon enough, please contact us and we will find a way to fit you in.
Pre And Post-Natal Care
There are few times your body goes through as dramatic a change as during pregnancy and the period of recovery following delivery.
Every women’s experience is unique and some bodies require support where as others may require mobility. Our assessment will determine which strategies will work best for you.
We offer exercise prescription, hands one techniques, the use of braces and taping for support amongst other treatment tools.
Pre And Post-Surgical Rehab

Ensuring that your body is in its best possible condition pre-surgery can help with an enhanced outcome post surgically.
Whether you have received a knee reconstruction, shoulder tendon repair or surgery following a fracture, we can help you to optimize your recovery.
We take an active approach and work closely with your surgeon to safely guide your return to sport, work and daily activities.
Dizziness & Balance / Vestibular Rehab
We understand that living with dizziness, imbalance or vertigo not only affects the way you feel, but can literally turn your life upside down.
At Red Cedar Physiotherapy we perform a comprehensive assessment including looking at head movements and the corresponding eye movements that should occur to maintain clear vision and balance.
Vestibular Rehabilitation is an exercise-based program primarily designed to reduce vertigo and dizziness, gaze instability, and/or imbalance and falls.
BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo and is effectively treated using repositioning techniques. Examples of other vestibular conditions include Vestibular Neuritis, Acoustic Neuroma, Migraine Associated Vertigo, and age related dizziness and imbalance.
No matter how long you’ve been suffering or what your age, let us help you take a step toward recovery, improve your ability to perform every day activities, and get back to an active life.
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy can help with a variety of male and female pelvic conditions including:
- Urinary/fecal incontinence
- Pelvic pain (including painful sex)
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Constipation
- Pelvic floor check ups pre/post delivery
- Prostate surgery recovery or preparation
Our goal is to optimize pelvic floor strength, endurance, coordination, timing and flexibility, and we often perform an internal pelvic examination in order to best assess your problem. Come to a safe and compassionate space to become educated and empowered to manage your pelvic health problem.
Hands on techniques
Learning to move in a less painful or more efficient manner through the use of hands on techniques can restore motion options to the body. This could include using various joint mobilisation or traction techniques- either of the spinal joints or peripheral joints such as the foot, hip or shoulder.
Muscle and connective tissue that’s been affected from swelling or overuse can be treated with massage and release strategies. Our hands can be effective and comforting teachers along your road to recovery.

Pilates is a mind-body exercise that requires core stability, strength, and flexibility, while bringing attention to muscle control, posture, and breathing.
At Red Cedar Physiotherapy we offer small group mat-based Pilates classes taught by our Pilates Instructor Sophie. Fitness Pilates Classes run Mon at 5:30 & Wed at 9:30 and are an all level fitness class designed to get you moving. No previous experience is required. Sophie provides variations for each exercise, allowing customization to individual needs and abilities. Classes are limited to 4 people max so we recommend booking in advance to reserve your spot.
If you’re looking for an individualized option we also have Private Pilates sessions with either a Pilates Instructor, or a Physiotherapist. These private classes will utilize our Pilates equipment. The equipment helps to create assistance or resistance to movement in order to give the support your body needs to isolate and strengthen specific muscles, or to learn new and more powerful movement patterns.
We are equipped with mats, a Reformer, a Tower (similar to a Cadillac or Trapeze table), a Core Align and different arcs.
Pilates bookings are 1-hour long.
Gunn IMSTM is a dry needling treatment that inserts acupuncture needles into tight muscle bands, restoring normal muscle tone through activating the body’s chemical and electrical mechanisms.
It is often used for treating neuropathic pain resulting from nerve compression.
A thorough assessment is done to determine which muscles could benefit from needling and most commonly IMS is only one component of a person’s treatment plan.
Anatomical Acupuncture

We provide a type of acupuncture called anatomical acupuncture. This type uses only those Chinese medicine based needle points that have been shown through research to be effective at:
- reducing pain
- relaxing muscles
- reducing inflammation in joints
- normalizing a stressed or depressed nervous system
It’s used at Red Cedar Physiotherapy by Naomi Gibbs and Drew Hutchison as part of an integral approach for getting pain relief and returning your body to optimal health.
Thoracic Ring ApproachTM
At Red Cedar Physiotherapy we recognize that many people struggle with upper or mid back pain, not just low back pain. This thoracic spine region can be conceptualized as a stack of 10 thoracic rings, connecting the vertebrae to the ribs in the back and continuing around to the front where the ribs connect at the sternum.
This area of the spine is actually very mobile much like a dynamic shock absorbing spring and can be a major area where people learn compensation strategies to balance out other bothersome areas of their bodies.
Teaching motion control of these rings during activities is often a key component to managing thoracic pain and improving performance. Jocelyn Kutcher is our physio with training in this area.
Persistent Pain Management
Pain that lasts longer than the expected duration of an injury is called persistent pain. Treating this type of pain requires additional knowledge and understanding of the body and nervous system.
The team at Red Cedar Physiotherapy have made it a priority to develop expertise in this field and we continue to stay updated on new understandings and treatment strategies to address persistent pain.
Our therapists will offer strategies to find relief from your pain and work with you to create freedom of movement and find joy in your life again by giving clear guidelines on how to move despite your pain.
Workplace Injury Rehab
If you are injured at work the team at Red Cedar Physiotherapy can provide treatment and support in the process of returning to work and resuming your usual lifestyle.
Along with the standard physiotherapy care you expect for the treatment of injuries we can also help create gradual return to work programs based on your physical capabilities to get you back to work sooner and in a safe way.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Whether you’ve been involved in a highway speed accident or a slow but sudden fender bender we are here to help you out.
Your symptoms may have started immediately at the time of the accident or a period of time afterwards. Perhaps you’ve had some whiplash or a seatbelt injury.
Regardless of your injury and whether you’re claim is going through ICBC or not our skilled team will work with you to provide the best course of treatment.